Google launched seven official and confirmed algorithmic updates in 2024, four core updates and three spam updates. The March 2024 core update was massive, updating several systems within the core algorithm, plus bringing in a few new large spam policies.
In 2023, Google had 9 confirmed algorithmic updates. In 2022 and 2021, Google had 10 confirmed algorithmic updates.
Google confirmed algorithm update summary
We whipped up this timeline documenting all the confirmed Google search algorithm updates in 2024, so you can visualize the updates over the year.

Four Google core updates in 2024
Google had four core updates in 2024, the same number as it had in 2023, but in 2022 Google only had two core updates. We had core updates in March, August, November and December.
March 2024 core update. The Google March 2024 core update started rolling out March 5, took 45 days to complete, and finished on April 19. Google told us this core update was its largest core update in history, updating multiple core systems.
The March 2024 core update is “more complex update than our usual core updates,” Chris Nelson from the Search Quality team at Google said. Google made “changes to multiple core systems,” he added. A Google spokesperson said, “The updates led to larger quality improvements than we originally thought – you’ll now see 45% less low quality, unoriginal content in search results, versus the 40% improvement we expected across this work.”
Here is one chart we shared back then comparing that volatility:

August 2024 core update. The Google August 2023 core update started on August 15 and completed 19 days later on September 3. This update is not just a normal core update, Google said this core update took into account the feedback Google heard since the September 2023 helpful content update that seemed to have a negative impact on many small and independent publishers. Some sites hit by the September 2023 helpful content update saw some improvement, but not full recoveries.
This update was a rather large core update, based on what the data providers showed us. Google updated its help page, including more in-depth guidance for those who may see changes after an update.
November 2024 core update. The Google November 2024 core update started on November 11 and completed 24 days later on December 5. This was a normal core update that “This update is designed to continue our work to improve the quality of our search results by showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search,” Google said.
As a whole, the November 2024 core update felt less volatile overall compared to the other two core updates that seemed to impact a larger number of sites.
December 2024 core update. The Google December 2024 core update started on December 12 and completed 6 days later on December 18. This update was a bit of a surprise, since it started a week after the November core update completed.
Why did Google release this core update so soon? “If you’re wondering why there’s a core update this month after one last month, we have different core systems we’re always improving,” Google told us.
This December update was more volatile than the November core update, but less than the August and March core updates in 2024.
Here is a chart from Similarweb comparing the volatility of these past core updates:

Three Google spam updates in 2024
March 2024 spam update. The Google March 2024 spam update started the same day as the March 2024 core update but completed in less time, only taking about 14 days to complete – it ended on March 20. Google did not say anything specifically new when it came to announcing the spam update. Chris Nelson from Google wrote on March 5, “Along with our new spam policies, we are also launching the March 2024 spam update today.”
June 2024 spam update. The Google June 2024 spam update started on June 30 and completed 7 days later on June 27. This update was a general and broad spam update, it was not a link spam update and did not automate the site reputation abuse policy, which is still only done via manual actions.
December 2024 spam update. The Google December 2024 spam update started the day after the December 2024 spam update is expected to finish any time now, but has not yet been completed at the time of this story (we will update this story and infographic above, when it is complete). This update was a general and broad spam update, that applied globally and to all languages, Google said. It seems this update hit very hard within a few days and was much more widespread than some previous spam updates.
Other Google algorithm changes, updates, tweaks or topics
Other Google updates. While we had four core updates and two spam updates, Google also pushed out other search specific updates in 2024. Here is a list of those:
- In May, Google began enforcing its site reputation abuse policy. While this is not algorithmic yet, it impacted many large and some small sites through manual action penalties.
- In May, Google rolled out AI Overviews in the US and then made updates to its AI Overviews amongst a lot of bad press and some harmful responses.
- In July, Google confirmed a new deepfake search algorithm was released.
- In October, Google confirmed it has an algorithm that checks to see if portions of your site are starkly different from other sections and will adjust its site-wide signals accordingly.
Google Search bugs. Google also had several search bugs throughout 2024:
- In January, Google confirmed a bug where sites would teeter in and out of the index on weekends. Google confirmed this on February 1 and fixed it on February 8.
- In August, Google confirmed a ranking bug on August 15 and resolved it on August 20.
- In June, Google confirmed an indexing bug that was confirmed and then fixed both on June 20.
- In July, Google confirmed an issue with indexing fresh content on July 9.
- In December, Google confirmed indexing issues that started on December 9 and fixed on December 10.
source https://searchengineland.com/google-algorithm-updates-2024-449417